“And this delightful Herb
whose tender Green
Fledges the River’s Lip on
which we lean –
Ah! lean upon it lightly! for
who knows
what once lovely Lip it springs unseen!”
on from the previous quatrain, Omar and Edward push the thought of death and
what happens next to its logical conclusion – in the end, we are all dirt.
perished and placed in the ground, we become once more part of a greater unity
- the Earth. And having gone back to that point of origin, the cycle begins
once more: the ground puts forth grass; the grass is eaten; the eater nourishes
its consumer; the consumer generates more of its kind. It’s basic science; but
something which we – in our lives removed from the natural progression of
things – oftentimes forget, or overlook. We all, as they say, “go down to dust”;
we all serve “the Force that through the Green Fuse drives the Flower”.
me, this verse is a reminder that, despite all of our accomplishments and
deeds, we are all connected by the fact of being a part of this system. It’s an
exhortation to be aware of the cycles that envelop us and the systems which
produce us and return us and recycle us. I’m sure that both Omar and Edward
didn’t think in terms of “the Environment”, or “Green movements”, but then they
were both far more connected to Nature than we are today.
ground brings forth nothing; Nature is capable of sparking life in the most
arid, desolate and inhospitable places. Unfortunately, we have reached a stage
where we can create places where even Nature gets stumped. Plastic has been
found at the bottom of the ocean’s deepest chasms. Antarctic rookeries regularly
produce fewer penguin chicks than can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In
the face of rising sea-levels, the Maldives has reserved a whole island of their
chain to heaping up the garbage left behind by their tourist industry, an
industry decreasing due to the constant odours of decay and rafts of floating
refuse. Are we leaning lightly upon our river-bank in the universe? I don’t
think so.
deniers carry on about “the facts”, and simultaneously cherry-pick those same
facts to support their personal opinions. Not the Truth; their Opinions. Opinions
which can be dramatically altered by a simple Facebook advertisement. Behind
these folk you will find vested interests based upon Industrial Investments and
Cash-Flows in every instance. There is never any notion of Preservation, or
Conservation, in their rhetoric. It’s talk which supports a greedy agenda to
consume and use every available resource, turning it all into cold, hard, cash.
Even people. Once you kill all of the Tigers and Sharks and Rhinos though,
there’s nothing left. And you can’t eat money.
to what Omar and Edward are saying. Lean lightly upon the Earth: it’s a part of
us; all of us. And the thing that’s killing it (and us) is our greed.